Madeja de llantas
Galería Santa Fe-Minsterio de Cultura. Madeja de Llantas (Tire hank) X National Exhibition of Young Artists. Bogotá.
Click para ver Video 2002
Madeja de llantas (Tire Tangle), It’s a huge ball of twisted bicycle tires, which contains multiple experiences and journeys acquired during their “useful life”. The mass of rubber was moved through the streets of the city during the Ciclovía (on sundays the most important streets of Bogotá are closed to cars, and the people use them to workout, mostly in bicycle), in an action for seven hours, until its exposition in the Galería Santa Fe del Planetario Distrital de Bogotá. The work explores the embodiment of time and space of routes that continuously take place in the city and come together for a new reading in that same space. So, the intention is not to focus on the object itself, but in the situations that occur with the movement of the object through the streets and its relationship to the inhabitants of Bogotá.
Click para ver Video 2002
Madeja de llantas (Tire Tangle), It’s a huge ball of twisted bicycle tires, which contains multiple experiences and journeys acquired during their “useful life”. The mass of rubber was moved through the streets of the city during the Ciclovía (on sundays the most important streets of Bogotá are closed to cars, and the people use them to workout, mostly in bicycle), in an action for seven hours, until its exposition in the Galería Santa Fe del Planetario Distrital de Bogotá. The work explores the embodiment of time and space of routes that continuously take place in the city and come together for a new reading in that same space. So, the intention is not to focus on the object itself, but in the situations that occur with the movement of the object through the streets and its relationship to the inhabitants of Bogotá.
Se trata de una madeja gigantesca de llantas de bicicleta enrolladas, que recoge múltiples experiencias,y recorridos que realizados durante su “vida útil”, y que se muestran en conjunto, uniéndolos y creando una gran madeja de caucho. Posteriormente, esta gran masa fue trasladada por las calles de la ciudad y en la Ciclovía, en una acción de siete horas, hasta llegar al lugar de exposición. Lo que se plantea en esta obra es la materialización del tiempo y el espacio de recorridos que contínuamente se están dando en la ciudad y que se juntan para una nueva lectura en un mismo espacio. La intención es no centrarse en el objeto mismo sino en la situación que ocurre con la circulación del objeto en la calle
y su relación con los transeúntes.