Relámpago Permanente.

Lunada del Rosario Antiguo, Villa del Rosario, Colombia.
"Permanent Lightning" is an artwork designed specifically for a particular space. It consists of a lightning bolt made with a neon tube installed in the top of a tree. The artistic proposal aims to commemorate a natural phenomenon: the Catatumbo Lightning, a unique event that occurs in the border region between Colombia and Venezuela, known for its thunderstorms that light up the sky with flashes one after another. It is the region where the most lightning falls worldwide, and for me, light is a metaphor to express everything that is revealed in the landscape.
"Permanent Lightning" is an artwork designed specifically for a particular space. It consists of a lightning bolt made with a neon tube installed in the top of a tree. The artistic proposal aims to commemorate a natural phenomenon: the Catatumbo Lightning, a unique event that occurs in the border region between Colombia and Venezuela, known for its thunderstorms that light up the sky with flashes one after another. It is the region where the most lightning falls worldwide, and for me, light is a metaphor to express everything that is revealed in the landscape.
“Relámpago Permanente” es una obra de arte diseñada específicamente para un espacio particular. Consiste en un rayo hecho con un tubo de neón instalado en la copa de un árbol. La propuesta artística tiene como objetivo conmemorar un fenómeno natural: el Faro del Catatumbo, un evento único que ocurre en la región fronteriza entre Colombia y Venezuela, conocido por sus tormentas eléctricas que iluminan el cielo con destellos uno detrás de otro. Se trata de la región en la que más rayos caen en todo el mundo y para mí, la luz es una metáfora para expresar todo aquello que se deja ver en el paisaje.